Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quippy Quote

9ish AM this morning on our way to church.

Riley: Mommy, why is it so smokey outside?
Me: Because there are some fires in CA.
Riley: No, I sink (think) it's because Jesus burned his lunch.


The Dave Clarke Six said...

How funny! He is so adorable.

Lydia Moon said...

That is so cute! Sounds like something my kids would come up with.

S said...

Oh my goodness. That is SOOO adorable! :o)

Patrick and Hollie Davis said...

I did not see the part with "his lunch" and just say that Riley thought Jesus burned. I was about to be very sad and wonder exactly what his teacher had been teaching him! Ha Ha. I love the pic. Your fam is so cute!

Tami Harris said...

Classic! What a cutie!